School Management Portal


The Voicetower School Management Portal has been in use by various schools since 2019. Up to this moment, there have not been any complaints with respect to the functionalities of the system by users. We at Voicetower ensure that we keep updating the system to meet up with the change in technology as well as train the users as we keep upgrading.

VTSMP 05-Max can help you out in the following areas: 

1. Record Management System: VTSMP 05-Max effectively facilitates the systematic creation, maintenance, and control of records along with other administrative functions associated with managing your school. Not forgetting its Artificial Intelligent Robot (AIR) that helps to manage both academic and administrative records of students.

2. Bulk Result Print: VTSMP 05-Max has the facility to generate customized report cards for each student at the same time the school can generate bulk result prints for the entire class and the school as a whole.

3. Text Message and Email System: The messaging system uses SMS technology to send messages and e-mails to desired recipients, ranging from classes, and management to parents.

4. Android and IOS Mobile APP: VTSMP 05-Max has a customized Mobile App just for your school, parents can download and check results, fees, Holiday assignments, and other related reports with respect to their child or children in your school

Here are the fee bees that come with VTSMP 05-Max:

1. Free website for school

2. Free paid domain name that the school chooses

3. Free hosting plan for the school website

4. Free customized email based on the domain name of the school.

5. Free Customized Android Mobile App for your School.

6. And one FREE advertisement Video for your School.

What We Do

Below are the various services we render!

Android and iOS Systems

We build and deploy Android and iOS applications for our clients based on their specifications and our prices are much cheaper!

Cyber Security and Forensic Investigation

With the use of our A.I Powererd system we can secure your online resources and track malicious activities on your applications/portal

I.C.T Consultancy

We provide a wide range of Information and Communication Technology Services to both public and private sectors and this includes training, advisory on networking, risk assessments, and cyber security advisory.

School Management Portal (VTSMP-05 Max)

Our School management portal has been used and confirmed as one of the best School portals that meets International Standards. It comes along with a free website and Android App (Terms and condition applies)

Software Development, Deploy and Maintenance

We develop software based on the specifications of our clients. additionally, we do system maintenance and deployment as well!

Tax and Revenue Drive

Using the Integrated Tax Administrative System (ITAS) developed by Voicetower Nig Ltd, We assure you of an exponential increase in revenue in your state